
Sleep Apnea? Think of Dental to Aid

20 Aug

o Recurring daytime fatigue. o Loss of memory andor concentration. o Morning headaches andor dry throat – Some patients find relief through changes in habits or lifestyle, such as avoiding alcohol before bed or shedding a few extra pounds. But the most common treatment for mild to moderate cases is an oral sleep apnea device. The two most common types areo A tongue retaining device, which uses gentle suction to hold the tongue forward and keep it from blocking the throat’s airway. and.

Sleep apnea, a condition in which a person’s breathing is periodically paused or disrupted during sleep, affects approximately 18 million Americans. It is usually accompanied by loud snoring which results in a poor night’s rest for both sufferer and those they live with. More seriously, untreated sleep apnea can increase the risk of high blood pressure, stroke, and cardiovascular problems. Typical symptoms of sleep apnea areo Loud and chronic snoring. o Pauses in breathing, followed by choking or gasping. o Shallow breathing. visit this site

On your initial consultation visit, ask the questions that are important to you and you’re your own assessment. o Does the dentist appear to be interested in you and your condition – or is this just another ‘ho-hum’ visit. o Does he treat you with respect and encourage your questions Does he appear to understand your fears. o Is the dentist willing to work with you. o After an assessment of your dental condition, what is the plan of care. o Does the dentist thoroughly explain the dental procedures and the order of treatment.

o A mandibular repositioning device, which fits along your teeth and holds both the tongue and the jaw forward. First of all, they are not nearly as invasive as a surgical procedure or a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine. And because they don’t require any major lifestyle changes, it is easier for people to commit to this form of treatment. Many users have coa Sleep apnea, a condition in which a person’s breathing is periodically paused or disrupted during sleep, affects approximately 18 million Americans. It is usually accompanied by loud snoring which results in a poor night’s rest for both sufferer and those they live with. More seriously, untreated sleep apnea can increase the risk of high blood pressure, stroke, and cardiovascular problems.

These are the most important factors to keep in mind when looking for a new dentist. Obviously, some factors will sway your decision more than other, depending on your dental needs. Take your time and do a large amount of research before finally choosing a dentist for your oral health needs. A person who has sleep apnea stops breathing for ten or more seconds while sleeping, then wakes enough to start breathing again and falls back asleep. It’s a problem because sleep isn’t simply a blackout it runs in cycles of lighter and deeper sleep, which are disrupted when breathing stops. Someone suffering from sleep apnea can be in bed for 8 hours but wake up exhausted, because of the frequent disruption of his or her sleep cycles.

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