Archive | September, 2012

Sleep Sedation Dentistry: A Great Smile While You Relax

4 Sep

By this time, the patient will have had plenty of time to obtain the necessary medications to relieve this pain. As you can see, sedation dentistry has proven to be for beneficial and effective for both the patient and the dentist. This new form of dentistry is exactly what is needed for those patients that have an extreme fear of going to the dentist. Now anyone can improve and maintain their oral health by finding a dentist that offers sedation dentistry. You’ve probably heard the term “sedation dental care” “sedation dentistry” or “sleep dentistry” before. If you search through websites for dental offices, you will probably see an option for “sedation dentistry” and might be wondering “Just what is that”For years, comedic movies and stand-up comedians have long played on the fears some of us may have for going to the dentist.

sleep dentistry This is a gas which is inhaled and is used as an anxiolytic, or minor tranquilizer, and is a treatment for anxiety. Patients report that they feel less concerned about their treatment and can relax more while the dentist works on their mouth. The next level beyond this is medium sedation, where the patient is able to follow commands and suggestions given by the dentist, such as how to hold their mouth, but they are not fully aware of what is happening to them. As with medium sedation, the patient is still able to comply with commands by the dentist, but he is in a state of blissful unawareness of what is going on. The dentist uses intravenous therapy to achieve this state in his patient, where a sedative is delivered straight to the blood stream. For very protracted or difficult procedures, such as dental implants, total sedation may be required. dental insurance in los angeles

There is good news though – many procedures can be performed while the patient is sedated. This allows for the patient to be much more comfortable while the procedure is taking place. Sedation, in terms of dentistry, may be accomplished through a few different methods. The first of which is through inhalation of nitrous oxide or “laughing gas”. The second method is oral sedation, which is accomplished through an anti-anxiety pill or liquid. The final method is IV sedation, which is medication administered directly into the bloodstream.

Patients can have the beautiful smile and the good dental health they have always wanted without loathing and avoiding the dentist. This approved and safe treatment involves a mild sedative to help the patient relax in a comfortable environment. A great dentist and conscious sedation dentistry makes it possible to be totally relaxed during a dental treatment, as if the patient were asleep. These techniques are growing in popularity among many patients, and will continue to do so as more and more people realize the benefits of sedation dentistry. Hundreds of thousands of people right now are experiencing some mouth or tooth pain and are avoiding the dentist. Now, patients are able to smile with confidence and chew their food without pain. discover more

Thousands of patients are overcoming their phobia of the dentist and are able to get the help they need with these new treatments. There are also oral surgery practices that are focused on providing sedation procedures. Not only do patients not feel any discomfort, they likely won’t remember the treatment itself. A sedation dentist can do many dental care procedures during the same visit including whitening yellow or stained teeth replacing crowns or dentures fixing chipped or damaged teeth restoring sore gums to good health, and more. Best of all, patients typically require only one or two appointments with a dentist using sedation dentistry. So in only a few hours patients can start enjoying the confidence that comes with a bright new smile and good dental health.

Of course, for many of us who grew up a little more level-headed, we all know that some dentists can really do that – not out of the need to inflict pain to hapless victims but rather to make sure their patients are orally hygienic and well. Admittedly, the greater populace usually seeks the services of dental professionals only when a tooth needs to be pulled out or some other dire tooth-related emergency. Nonetheless, it should be noted that with the trend these days, dentists do more than just that. There are now several cosmetic dentistry clinics that practice the application of dental crowns and porcelain veneers, among many things. The seeming trend is to make sure that your pearly whites are actually white and whole. But apparently, dentistry as a whole is making sure that people do come into their offices – whether or not there is a dentition-related emergency.